According to the Randstad Workmonitor, out of fifteen surveyed countries, Indians are the most satisfied at work while Japanese are the least satisfied.

Argentina and the United States come in at #2 ands #3. This study is from 2020. I wonder if that satisfaction number in the US is still 80%. Three years is a long time in dog years… It seems like there is a lot of anger out in the world today, and I am not just referring to war.

What is your work environment like these days?

How has your work situation changed over the past 3 years?

I was surprised that Argentina was ranked that high based on the economic mess that it has been these past few decades… Their election for President is this coming Sunday. Will they vote for Capitalism or continued Communism?

Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reported that only 48% of Japanese said they were satisfied with their job. A law passed by the Japanese government in 2020 shines a light on the austere problems of workplace harassment, which have persisted in the country.

India and Latin America had higher satisfaction levels recorded. In Southern and Eastern Europe satisfaction levels were ranked below the world average. The unhappiness of Japanese employees has been highlighted on international workplace surveys from the defunct Edenred-Ipsos Barometer to recent surveys by Universum. Randstad found that Japanese were also the least likely to expect a pay raise or bonus.

Some of this Information is from Sherman Portfolios, LLC.

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