Are we a tolerant society and is that a problem?
Are we a tolerant society is that a problem?
#ParadoxOfTolerance; #ChiefsKingdom; #Popper; #Mosca; #Philosopy; #politics
Global Equity vs Global Bond Market values
S&P is the big dog, but there is more debt than equity in the world…
#Equity; #S&P; #ChiefsKingdom; #CardiacChiefs; #bonds
Something different and optimistic
Something different but very much needed IMHO. The Rational Optimist Society. Sapere Aude is our guiding principle. It means “Dare to know” or “Have courage to use your own reason.” Rational Optimists think for themselves. We respect facts, data, and reason. We’ll...Freedom’s Secret
Education vs Ignorance
#tyranny; #freedom; #Robespierre; #Chiefskingdom