8 Stages of a Democracy
What stage do you feel like the USA is currently in?
#tytler; #democracy; #ChiefsKingdom; #8stages; #question; #200years; #cycles; #markets
What stage do you feel like the USA is currently in?
#tytler; #democracy; #ChiefsKingdom; #8stages; #question; #200years; #cycles; #markets
The 2024 edition of High school football officiating is “officially” over…
#FridayNightLights; #MSHSAA; #ChiefsKingdom; #43
Are we a tolerant society is that a problem?
#ParadoxOfTolerance; #ChiefsKingdom; #Popper; #Mosca; #Philosopy; #politics
S&P is the big dog, but there is more debt than equity in the world…
#Equity; #S&P; #ChiefsKingdom; #CardiacChiefs; #bonds